
Dust-falling wetting phenolic resin

This product is a phenolic resin solution with low molecular weight, which is used as reactive plasticizer in the field of molding compounds, and the dosage is 3%~8%. The product can be sprayed on molding compound powder by pressurized atomization, which can eliminate static electricity and reduce dust, and greatly improve production conditions. Using this product can improve the fluidity of molding compound by 20% -50%, without affecting the strength and other properties of the product, and can appropriately reduce the dosage of plasticizer and release agent in the molding compound formula.

Contact Us
Contact: Mr.Li +86138-0533-7575
Contact: Mr.Sun +86135-6162-3306
Address: No.628, 6th Floor Tongqian Davis Business Center, Lutai Road, High-tech District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, China
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